Oh hai

18 08 2011

So, yeah, I kind of let the blog go after I figured out where I was going to grad school.  My last couple of months in Kyrgyzstan were pretty much collecting and processing data and prepping for my move back to the States.


I left Kyrgyzstan in the middle of June and spent a week and a half traveling around Latvia, Lithuania and Poland before flying back to the States on July 1.  After six weeks of waiting tables (and trying to save some money!), I moved up to Philadelphia last week.  I’ll be starting my assistantship at Penn’s Exec Doc program on Monday, and classes start just after Labor Day.


Some of you have asked (either here or privately) about seeing the results of my data collection.  I’m working on a way to get it on the Internet.  My goal is to have that done in the next week.  I’ll be sure to post it here when I do.


Thanks for following me on my Kyrgyz adventure.  Please let me know if you ever have any questions.





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