
6 04 2011

Thanks to all of you for being patient with me over the last month.  After leaving India, I spent a week and a half checking out Oman and the UAE.  Then it was back to the US for a whirlwind, two-week graduate school visit.  I checked out six campuses in 11 days (and managed to make a side trip down to North Carolina to see friends and family).


After tons of information sessions, campus tours, assistantship interviews and countless questions both given and received, I’ve finally made my decision.


Starting in September I’ll be a full time student in the Master’s Program in Higher Education Administration at the University of Pennsylvania.


I’m incredibly excited about this, and the decision was not an easy one to come by.  I was lucky to have to choose between several top-notch programs.  At the end, Penn was just the best fit for me.


Thanks aplenty to all of you who offered advice, support and assistance during the application and decision process.  It’s been a long road, but I’m happy to report that it’s finished!